Book: Carry On
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Genre: YA fiction, paranormal, vampire, chosen one, magic, LGBT, romance
Rating: 5/5
Format: Hardcover
Where I got the book: I have been waiting for this book to come out since finishing Fangirl.
Favorite Character: Baz.
So since reading Fangirl, I have been waiting for this book to come out. I find it kind of fantastic that it is a fan-fiction of a fiction novel from a fiction novel. I'm also all about the chosen-one-wizard-school thing. And adorable gay fan-fiction romances. SO all-in-all, I was incredibly excited about this book.
All in all I was pleased with this book. I did find the way they cast spells to be a little silly, and of course how can you not laugh at the name Insidious Humdrum. There were a lot of aspects influenced from Harry Potter, but also other 'chosen one' style books. Even when I was reading Fangirl, I could tell that Simon Snow was influenced by Harry Potter. In several ways I liked that, as it bade me feel a stronger connection to Cath and the world she loved.
So the one thing that I'm a little bit unsure about is the ending. There is a part of me that is bothered by the fact that the reader is the only one what knows the full story of Simon. Agatha had the picture, but she doesn't know what it means. Simon still thinks it was only Baz's mom that visited him. I just feel like there were so many lose ends and I want the characters to know what's going on. I don't know why is frustrates me, but it also leaves me wishing there was more. I mean, I kind of wish that anyway but still. I thought the whole concept that Simon was the Humdrum was interesting, and that he was sucking the magic out of the world every time he went off.
Overall, fun and adorable story. I wouldn't say it was a masterpiece, but still pretty good.